Current Version: 5.2.3

Version History

The demo version is fully functional and brings all features from the full version – except that the demo version is limited to a single database and can only be used for 24 hours.

In order to uninstall the demo version, simply drag it to the trash.
Download Demo for Mac
Version 5.2.3
iFinance 5 is exclusively available on the App Store.

iFinance 5 can be used on macOS, iPadOS and iOS with a single purchase. It requires macOS Catalina, macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey, macOS Ventura or macOS Sonoma on the Mac and iOS 14, iOS 15, iOS 16 or iOS 17 on iPhone or iPad. Fully optimized for M1-, M2- and M3-based Macs.

Information concerning updates from previous versions
Buy iFinance 5 for Mac & iOS
US$ 39.99 19.99 on the App Store
50 % Discount – only for a short time

What's new in iFinance 5

iFinance 5 is by far the largest update we've ever released for our popular financial management app. Version 5 comes with a huge number of new features and improvements.

Completely redesigned User Interface

  • iFinance 5 comes with a modern new user interface that embeds smoothly in your existing macOS or iOS ecosystem
  • Full support for Dark Mode on all plattforms
  • Greatly enhanced user experience – especially on iOS and iPadOS
  • Every section and view has been revised in iFinance 5
  • Modern iconography using Apple SF Symbols

More Countries Supported for Online Connectivity

  • Connect to banks in US and Canada via our partner Plaid (requires paid subscription)
  • Connect to banks in France and Austria via our partner Tink Germany (requires paid subscription)
  • The new and improved setup assistant lets you connect your bank accounts even easier

Financial Health Report

  • Your financial situation at a glance
  • See how much money is left
  • Highlights exceptionally high amounts

Budgets and Annual Budgets

  • Use annual budgets for long term financial budgeting
  • Annual budgets: Separated by income and expenses
  • Automatically split your annual budget to monthly income and expenses
  • Easily navigate through different time periods
  • Modern user interface

Finance Section

  • Optionally hide individual accounts from the overview
  • Overview chart: See your 90 day account history directly above your transaction list
  • Greatly enhanced and improved transaction editor
  • New and improved transaction reconciling without having to close the transaction list

Improved Stock and Depot management

  • Easily navigate to different time periods of the stock performance chart
  • Improved management of stocks, ETFs, crypto currencies and other investments
  • Sales and purchases of stocks and other investments may now be added as individual transactions to one of your accounts in order to improve income/expense reporting


  • Greatly improved display of categories and associated transactions
  • Use custom rules to automatically assign categories to transactions (for example, if the transaction amount is below 5 Dollars)

Universal Purchase for Mac, iPhone and iPad

  • Use iFinance 5 on your Mac, iPhone and iPad with a single purchase
  • Subscriptions to paid online banking services may be used on Mac, iPhone and iPad simultaneously with a single subscription – thanks to Synium ID
  • Optimized for the new M1 and M2 based Macs

Further Enhancements

  • Define a custom folder location to store your databases
  • Greatly enhanced synchronization of your iFinance 5 databases on iCloud
  • New, integrated help system
  • Easily manage your iFinance 5 databases in the improved welcome window