Current Version: 10.3.1

Version History

The demo version of MacFamilyTree 10 is fully functional except for saving, printing and CloudTree sync.
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Version 10.3.1
MacFamilyTree 10 is exclusively available on the Mac App Store.

macOS 10.15 Catalina, macOS 11 Big Sur, macOS 12 Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura or macOS 14 Sonoma is required to use MacFamilyTree 10. Fully optimized for M1-, M2- and M3-based Macs.
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US$ 69.99 on the Mac App Store

Video: What's new in Version 10

What's new in MacFamilyTree 10

MacFamilyTree 10 is by far the largest update we've ever released for our popular genealogy software. Version 10 comes with a huge number of new features and improvements, almost every section of the app was either re-developed or hugely improved.

New: User Interface

  • Modern, convenient, powerful
  • Redesigned function selection list in the sidebar
  • Specify the appearance (dark/light) separately from macOS
  • Assign unique colors for genders and function categories
  • Re-order and enable/disable specific functions

New: Edit Section

  • Completely new edit section – redeveloped from scratch
  • Automatically adjusts to small and large screens to make the best use of the available space
  • Edit most information directly in lists: A click on a list expands a specific row and reveals a form to enter data
  • Completely configurable: Specify which forms should be present when editing a specific entry and where they should appear
  • Separate edit and display mode: In display mode, only forms with information present will be displayed. In edit mode, all forms are shown
  • Use speech recognition to fill in long texts

New: Interactive Tree

  • The Interactive Tree now supports four different orientations (top to bottom, left to right, etc.)
  • Plethora of new configuration options like different colors, shadows and margins added. The new Interactive Tree is more configurable than ever in order to suite your needs
  • In addition to birthdates, the new Interactive Tree can display the generation number on Generation Bands
  • Lines, Generation Bands or the background can be configured with custom colors
  • Integration of data from FamilySearch has been vastly improved and now displays complex relationships much better
  • Vastly improved and easier to understand settings
  • Separate branches can now be shown with larger margins to improve clarity
  • The entire alignment of the Interactive Tree has been vastly improved
  • Better alignment of connections between parents and children
  • Many new options for Generation Bands added: New pedestal and stair modes added, as well as many new coloring options
  • When using pedestal or stair Generation Bands, non-blood relationships may optionally be displayed at a lower height
  • Different patterns and colors added for the ground below the 3D Interactive Tree
  • Greatly enhanced performance – especially on older hardware, the number of frames per second is much higher than previously

New: Flat Interactive Tree

  • In addition to the 3D Interactive Tree, a completely new, flat Interactive Tree is now available offering a more traditional visual style
  • Seamlessly switch between the 3D and the flat Interactive Tree – the root person and the selected person are preserved when switching
  • Completely configurable: Every aspect, like colors, margins, generation bands and so on, can be adapted to your liking
  • The flat Interactive Tree optionally displays all person events for a person

New: Search Feature

  • Completely rewritten from scratch
  • Simple, easy to use user interface – even for elaborate search requests
  • Supports nested hierarchical queries (For example: Last Name is Fowley or Flowly, Birth Year is 1954)
  • Many available options, like case-insensitive and diacritic matching
  • Configurable results list: Specify which columns and information are displayed for search results
  • Unlimited number of search criteria
  • Create Person Groups directly from search results
  • Incredible fast – even in larger family trees
  • Supports “Regular Expressions” as search criteria
  • Includes many predefined search templates for common use cases
  • Now supports searching for Places, Person Events, Person Facts, Family Events, To Do’s, Stories, Notes and Person Groups
  • Simply add new search criteria directly from the results list using drag & drop
  • The new Search feature allows you to save common search queries in order to use them again at a later time

New: Search & Replace Feature

  • Search & Replace may now be limited to the results of a previous search query – not only to the complete family tree
  • Replace virtually any information in any entry type in your family tree database – for example, the assigned labels
  • Using the new Search & Replace feature, it is now possible to replace the birth place for persons matching a specific search criteria
  • Specify exactly how a given match should be replaced: Change the whole value or change just the portion that matches the search criteria
  • Revamped results list: Like in the new Search feature, the results list is completely configurable
  • The results list now displays valuable information like birth dates and places. This way, it is easy to make sure that you are replacing the correct information

New: Virtual Tree

  • Completely rewritten from scratch, relying on the latest Apple technologies
  • Vastly improved appearance
  • Simulates depth of field for impressive visuals
  • Greatly enhanced alignment of persons in the Virtual Tree – even for complex family trees
  • Vastly improved performance: Most of the family trees will be displayed instantaneously without delay
  • Relationship paths: Display, how two persons are related – just like in the Relationship Chart

New: Person Groups

  • Create as many person groups as you like (e.g. members of the Miller family, relatives you know in person, relatives from Tampa)
  • Branches and specific parts of your family tree may now be separated using Person Groups
  • Option to only display members of specific person groups in charts
  • Statistics Chart may be limited to specific person groups allowing only the evaluation of specific branches or sets of persons
  • The Interactive Tree as well as all charts can now show persons in the colors of their person group

New: Source Management

  • Completely new template system for sources
  • Large number of included source templates for all commonly used sources – but you can also add your own, custom source templates
  • Fully configurable source templates: Add your own fields to source templates or remove fields you don’t require
  • Completely configurable source citations: Specify how source citations should be displayed in reports
  • Source repositories may now contain a complete postal address, web site address, phone number and email address
  • Unknown GEDCOM tags may now be added as new source template fields when importing a GEDCOM file
  • Duplicate source templates or source fields may be merged to avoid duplicates

New: Stories

  • Create stories about events and people in your family tree
  • Stories can be read directly with text-to-speech
  • A new report type displays recorded stories clearly and is printable
  • Stories are divided into individual sections, to which you can also add media such as images, PDFs, sound or videos
  • Assign entries such as events or persons from your family tree to appear in your stories
  • See world-historic events, which happened in the period of your story

New: Virtual Globe

  • Completely redeveloped from line one – based on Apple Metal for the best possible performance
  • Improved appearance
  • New timeline control: See when events took place and adjust the date range to limit the number of results
  • Pictures of places are now displayed on the Virtual Globe


  • Restructured family tree database resulting in greatly enhanced performance
  • Zooming within larger pictures is now much more responsive
  • Vastly improved performance when using FamilySearch – especially in larger family trees with many results
  • Reports now require considerably less processing power to display
  • CloudTree: Synching is considerably faster now

New: Scan Documents using iPhone or iPad camera

  • Take pictures of photos or documents and import them into your family tree
  • Documents and photos will be automatically straightened and cropped
  • No scanner required – the camera of your iPhone and iPad is all you need
  • Usable directly from your Mac: Go to the Special Menu in order to scan and import images

And so much more!

  • Support for GEDCOM 7
  • Improved charts
  • Improved reports
  • Copy&Paste of person or family events
  • Improved Start Window: Hide all trees, better structure, convenient sorting options
  • Improved Import from Address Book (incl. images, relationships, multiple person imports simultaneously)
  • New Numbering Systems (Henry, D’Aboville, Kekulé/Sosa)